JIM – Jeebop Identity Manager
Identiovigilance, A Major issue In Health Care
You want to uniquely and formally identify your patients within your HIS, delete duplicates that clutter your databases and cause errors.
JIM provides centralized identity management within one or more hospitals or at a GHT (Groupement Hospitalier Territorial). Without highly automated, agile and secure identity management, healthcare facilities can not cope with the volumetry generated by ever more complex, valuable and sensitive
information related to the patient’s identity. JIM assists institutions in detecting/avoiding duplicates while enabling the possibility of sharing these securely with all applications of the HIS.
Assets and Benefits
- Identity management: creation, modification, NIS calculation, Sesam-Vitale card compatible
- Multi-criteria identity search
- Reconcile identities between multiple servers or applications
- Sharing identities with multiple servers or applications
- Graphical interface for consultation and administration
- Powerful duplicating algorithms
- Confidentiality of data, authentication by CPS card, as well as total traceability of all manipulations
- Compatibility with applications through format transformations between the server’s pivot format and the different formats specific to each application or external server (HL7, WebServices, API)
- Improved safety of care through unique patient identification
- Increased quality of service thanks to identitovigilance
- Compliance with current standards (IHE PIX, PDQ profiles)
- Compliance with the criteria of the Digital Hospital Program (P1.1 and P1.2)